February 21, 2011

Online Video News

Brightcove and TubeMogul Release Q4 Online Video Report

Newspapers are increasing their online video efforts, and viewers are more engaged.

NewTek Releases New Hardware Interface for TriCaster

NewTek TriCaster TCXD850 CS provides a physical connection including a three-axis joystick controller

comScore Releases Video Rankings for January

YouTube clips and music videos pull in viewers, but premium content sells ads.

Featured Articles

Live Streaming from a Notebook

Live streaming on a notebook can be the best of all possible worlds, but how powerful a machine do you need, and how do the various live streaming software programs stack up? We look at tools from Adobe, Kulabyte, Microsoft, and Telestream.

CBS News Grows Online with Live Video

CBSNews.com has been finding an audience online by highlighting live video and working with popular live portal sites. Watch this interview to learn the secrets behinds the strategy.

Flash Player on Android: High Performance, Low Battery Drain

Think the Flash Player is a battery-drainer on mobile devices? Not so fast, says a new report.

Industry News

Accordent, Microsoft to Host Enterprise Video Webinar

Companies Will Offer Strategies for Enterprise Video Management Across Microsoft Technologies including Expression Encoder Pro