
引领媒体人工智能的未来 & 娱乐:自我破坏或自我毁灭?


媒体 and entertainment companies of all sizes are struggling to attract and retain audiences who are eager to find and consume content that interests them. Because content is abundant with too many options to navigate and pay for—and switching costs are low—profitability has eluded many providers.

媒体和娱乐公司该如何应对? 许多公司正转向新的盟友:人工智能.

从历史上看,米&E companies focused on creating great content or distributing that content to mass audiences. Over time, many of the biggest media companies vertically integrated and did both.  最近, 随着流媒体的出现, 许多媒体公司已经“全力投入”直接面向消费者(DTC)的模式, determined to capture loyalty and revenue by owning the end-to-end customer experience. 结果是, they now bear the full cost of not only producing and distributing their own content but also often are responsible for developing and maintaining significant  technology platforms, and  face the need to deliver enough content—through engaging experiences on all screens—to satisfy increasingly fragmented, 全球订阅用户. 与此同时, 娱乐的选择, 比如沉浸式视频游戏和短形式的社交视频, 正在获得关注和钱包份额, 竞争压力增加.

媒体 companies can avoid the dreaded “I’m not interested, <点击>” phenomenon by giving consumers the content they want, when they want it, and how they want it. 这也是大规模生产内容的最佳方式, 定制它, 然后按要求交付, 成为一家人工智能公司.


对于一些媒体公司, transformation was a long-term vision when the pandemic suddenly accelerated their investments in cloud infrastructure, 劳动力upskilling, 数字化商业模式.

今天, these “media-tech” companies are evolving into “media-AI” companies because they recognize that generative AI can augment, 优化, and transform their entire enterprise in three core areas to increase monetization:

  • 内容创作、生产和管理
  • 消费者体验的个性化
  • 企业生产力

These companies know that consumers are spending more 和更多的 time with the services that offer dynamic and personalized experiences—whether consumed as small bursts of infotainment or as immersive, 持续的相互作用. They need efficient and cost effective ways to create these experiences, at scale. 有了人工智能,这样做的潜力是无限的.


  • 瓦尔, 谁的工作是去发现, 形状, 并获得很棒的新内容, shares a script with a collaborative technology assistant that consults the company’s style guide, 值, 和语气来帮助她创建一个总结和评级, 评估故事和人物, 提取情节元素, 并搜索她的工作室已经在筹备的类似情节.
  • 使用自然语言界面, 斯特凡搜索了几十年的视频内容档案, 图像, audio, 和文本找到创造性的内容,为一个即将完成的项目, then quickly searches for usage rights 信息 across numerous contract systems to avoid potential copyright issues.
  • 创建一个全局, 跨渠道营销活动, Neha向AI助手提供有关活动目标的信息, 目标受众, 品牌指导方针, 和音调, 然后得到数十张促销图片和复制块, instantly translated so her international team can evaluate the best options for their local markets.
  • 何塞听说有一部很棒的外国电影,但没听清楚片名. He tells his connected television about a compelling scene or a catchy line of dialogue, 在几秒钟内找到电影, 并观看人工智能生成的口型同步英语配音.
  • Lucille doesn’t have the 15 minutes required to read an entire article before hitting the road, so she asks her favorite news service to transform that article into a podcast or a three-minute audio summary and tack on a description of how last night’s game ended, 因为进入加时赛,她错过了吗.
  • 格温无法在她的新设备上运行视频应用程序. A conversational chatbot connects her to troubleshooting 信息 on the service’s website. 无法自己解决问题, 她与一位客户服务代表接洽, who uses AI tools to search historical consumer interactions for similar issues and guide Gwen to a resolution.

如这些例子所示, 人工智能不会取代人类, but it will augment people and processes so that companies can deliver more of what their audiences want, 快. C-suite leaders who understand this are already modernizing their data platforms and adding AI offices to their executive teams.


在采用人工智能方面, we’ve heard two diametrically opposed perspectives from global media and entertainment companies: wait-and-see or self-disrupt before industry peers do it for you.

When putting AI at the heart of your business can put you five years ahead in five months, 等待是没有意义的. Evolutionary steps, such as using AI to automate, augment, and accelerate common tasks—包括软件开发——会产生立竿见影的巨大影响.

当你在短期内做实验时, 建立一个长期的革命性战略来加速内容创造, 通过超个性化改变客户体验, 并在全球范围内大规模地提供创新内容.

  • 建立AI原则,以管理整个企业中AI的使用.
  • 在整个组织中尝试生成式人工智能.
  • Prioritize use cases by evaluating the costs and benefits of relevant AI solutions.
  • 通过将脱节的数据集整合在一起,建立坚实的人工智能基础.
  • 评估组织的人工智能准备情况.
  • Identify what will work best for your business by implementing proofs of concept designed to fail fast.
  • 与组织的其他成员分享最有效的方法.

人工智能能够并且将会改变媒体和娱乐行业的经济状况. M&E companies have a critical choice to make: either ride the AI wave or risk self-destruction. The choice isn't between progress and stagnation, it's between evolution and extinction.

[编者注:这是来自 谷歌云. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


免费的风景, Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) channels has significantly shifted in the last 12 months. 曾经由小众内容提供商主导, 该市场见证了大型工作室和广播公司的活动激增. 优质节目的涌入使竞争达到了一个新的水平, 迫使FAST频道调整和优化他们的产品以维持运营.


安东Dvorkovich, Dubformer的首席执行官和创始人, writes about how AI dubbing is poised to dramatically transform the broadcast media industry as recently developed solutions are set to be widely implemented. 

What’s Next for Streaming: The Union of Content, Advertising, and Interactive Experiences

Raman Abrol of Vubiquity and Amdocs discusses the next stages for streaming: the union of content, 广告, 互动体验.


莱昂黄, 体育高级总监, 媒体, 和SAP的娱乐活动, discusses the ethical and legal implications of AI for the entertainment industry addressed in the sinister Netflix Black Mirror episode "Joan is Awful," and what steps can be taken to establish ethical standards and transparency around the use of AI in media.


Cloudinary的Amnon Cohen Tidhar讨论了新的好处, 复杂性, 挑战, 以及生成人工智能的风险.


Cint的Nubyra Ahmed强调了在CTV中使用人工智能的好处, 比如减少欺诈, 更好的受众定位, 增强的AD技术, 和更多的.